Certificate of Deposit
Looking to grow your savings? CD's are a great way to save and usually pay higher interest than other types of accounts.
- Fixed rate APYs.
- Auto renewable options available.
- FDIC insured
- New minimum deposits to open.
- The annual percentage yield assumes interest remains on deposit until maturity.
- Other Terms and conditions may apply
- Penalty for early withdrawal
Start saving now and take advantage of possible tax benefits while building a brighter financial future for yourself later on in your life.
We offer both Traditional and ROTH IRA options to best fit your needs and goals.
Traditional IRA
- Fixed rate
- Flexible terms
- Contributions are tax deductible
- Money grows tax free until withdrawn
- Knowledgeable advisors
- Short and long term options available
- Penalty for early withdrawal
- Minimum $250 deposit to open
Roth IRA
- Interest grows tax-free
- Flexible terms
- Contributions NOT tax deductible
- Knowledgeable advisors
- Short and long term options available
- Penalty for early withdrawal
- Fund distribution is tax-free
- Minimum $500 deposit to open